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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Pablo Díaz Rodríguez” ,找到相关结果约263483条。
El análisis de la imagen proyectada: una propuesta para la normalización de folletos y web turísticas
Díaz Rodríguez, Pablo,Rodríguez Darias, Alberto Jonay,Santana Talavera, Agustín
PASOS : Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural , 2010,
Abstract: For the purposes of this text, normalization mean simplify, unify and manage a complex entity through certain criteria in order to make it more understandable and comparable with others In our case, we present two models of normalization form that will be applied in the analysis of tourist brochures and web through a series of variables (thirteen in the case of prospectuses and thirty-seven for websites) in order to understanding of the image projected through the media of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, al-though they can be exported to any other destination.
Towards a Paradigm Shift in Urbandrainage Management and Modelling in Developing Countries
Mario Díaz-Granados,Juan Pablo Rodríguez,Manuel S. Rodríguez,Juan Carlos Penagos
Revista de Ingeniería , 2009,
Abstract: In developing countries, lack of sanitation coverage and continuously growing populations are increasing the pressures on receiving waters. In the context of Bogotá (Colombia), this paper presents an overview of earlier, recent and ongoing research towards improved management of urban drainage systems using an integrated modelling framework. Research results have shown that there is a need to assess the urban drainage system as one entity, when considering pollution control objectives, and optimum management and operation. This holistic approach offers an opportunity to investigate the interactions among sub-systems and the impact of the whole system on the river water quality. / En países en vía de desarrollo, la falta de infraestructura de saneamiento básico y el número creciente de habitantes en sus centros urbanos han venido aumentando las demandas sobre los recursos hídricos disponibles. En el contexto de Bogotá (Colombia), este artículo emplea un marco de modelación integrada y presenta una revisión de estudios que han buscado una mejora en el manejo de los sistemas de drenaje urbano. Es sabido que hay una necesidad de evaluar estos sistemas como una única entidad cuando se busca propender por el control de la contaminación, su manejo y operación óptima. Esta visión holística ofrece la oportunidad de estudiar las interacciones entre los sub-sistemas y el impacto de la totalidad del sistema en la calidad del agua de los cuerpos receptores.
Sociedad y paisaje: una aproximación al análisis de la conectividad socioecológica
Pablo Díaz Rodríguez,Alberto Jonay Rodríguez Darias,Agustín Santana Talavera
Altre Modernità , 2012,
Abstract: The present paper focuses on the presentation of a transdisciplinar methodology of analysis of the ‘vertical connectivity’ (human society-landscape interaction) that is being developed with the collaboration of the different teams participating in the study for the elaboration of the Natural Resources Planning for the proposal of creation of a National Park in the island of Fuerteventura. The proceeding tries to es ta blish by a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques the formal rela tion between cartesian landscape and socioeconomy with the aim of explaining the im pli cations of the actual socioeconomic changes in the maintenance of landscape. Fuerteventura’s economy is heavily dependent on tourism, and precisely because of that, it is having rapid socioeconomic changes. The proceeding has not been totally realized yet in this context, but will be exposed a part of the results obtained so far on the analysis of the socioeconomic characteristics of Fuerteventura.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Pulmonary Edema. Guía de práctica clínica para el edema agudo del pulmón.
Pablo Rodríguez Díaz,Juan José Navarro López,Claudio González Rodríguez,José Manuel Ercia Arenal
MediSur , 2009,
Abstract: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Pulmonary Edema. It has been defined as an abrupt and severe failure of the left ventricular function which causes pulmonary edema or cardiac origin interfering with the normal oxygen exchange at pulmonary level. This document includes a review and update of the main clinical aspects allowing the early diagnosis and immediate therapeutic treatment. It includes assessment guidelines focused on the most important aspects to be accomplished. Guía de práctica clínica para el tratamiento del edema agudo del pulmón. Definido como una falla brusca y severa de la función ventricular izquierda lo que condiciona edema pulmonar de origen cardíaco que interfiere con el intercambio de oxígeno a nivel de los pulmones. El documento revisa y actualiza los aspectos clínicos fundamentales que permiten un diagnóstico temprano y su terapéutica inmediata. Concluye con su guía de evaluación, enfocada en los aspectos más importantes a cumplir.
Promedio de a os de vida vividos y perdidos por fallecido de cáncer Average of life years lost and gained for cancer deceased
Pablo Rodríguez Jiménez,Jana Fernández Alfonso,Odalys Díaz Hernández,Ismary Garrote Rodríguez
Revista M??dica Electr?3nica , 2009,
Abstract: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo del Promedio de A os de Vida vividos (PAVV/F) y perdidos (PAVP/F) de los 14075 fallecidos por cáncer en la Provincia de Matanzas desde 1990 al a o 2007. Se encontró que la diferencia en el PAVV/F entre el cáncer y otras causas descendió, mientras el PAVP/F se elevó en igual período. En los municipios el PAVV/F osciló entre 65.3 y 69.9 a os y el PAVP/F entre 15.2 hasta 18.5. Los fallecidos por cáncer de próstata tuvieron el mayor PAVV/F y el menor fue el cáncer de cuello uterino. Los fallecidos de próstata tuvieron el menor Promedio de A os de Vida Vidos PAVP/F y el de Cuello uterino resultó el mayor. We carried out a retrospective, descriptive study on the average of gained and lost life years of the 14 075 deceased by cancer in the province of Matanzas from 1990 to 2007. We found that the difference in the average of gained life years between cancer and other causes decreased, while the average of lost life years increased during the same period. In the municipalities, the average of gained life years ranged between 65.3 and 69.9 years, and the average of lost life years between 15.2 and 18.5. The deceased by prostate cancer showed the highest average of gained life years, and the the deceased by uterine neck cancer showed the lowest. The deceased by prostate cancer showed the lowest average of lost life years and the deceased by uterine neck cancer showed the highest.
Fallecidos por fractura de cadera: Provincia de Matanzas Deceases for hip fracture at: Matanzas province
Pablo Rodríguez Jiménez,Jana Fernández Alfonso,Odalys Díaz Hernández,Ismary Garrote Rodríguez
Revista M??dica Electr?3nica , 2009,
Abstract: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de 609 fallecidos por fractura de cadera en la provincia de Matanzas desde el a o 2001 al 2007. Se evidenció ligero incremento del promedio de a os de vida vividos por fallecido y una reducción del promedio de a os de vida perdidos por fallecido. La mortalidad proporcional (Mort. Proporc.) ascendió hacia el final del período (1.6% vs. 2.0%). La razón fallecidos por Fracturas de caderas/fallecidos por accidentes fue igualmente ascendente (32.2 vs. 46.1). Se observó incremento de la tasa de mortalidad total y en ambos sexos directamente proporcional a la edad, pero las mujeres tuvieron mayor tasa. El promedio de a os de vida vividos por fallecidos fue semejante entre los sexos (82.5 y 82.2) y menor el promedio de a os de vida perdidos por fallecidos entre los hombres (-2.8 vs -3.4). We carried out a descriptive study of 609 deceases for hip fracture at Matanzas province from 2001 to 2007. There was evidence of a slight increase in the average lived years per patient (ALY/P), as well as a reduction in the average lost years of life per patient who died (ALYL/P). The proportional mortality increased toward the end of the period (1.6% vs. 2.0%). The ratio hip fracture/deceases for accident (HF/DEC ACC) also experienced an increase (32.2 vs. 46.1). It was observed a proportionally direct-to-age increase in the total mortality rate and in both sexes, but women had the highest rate. The average lived years per death patient was similar between sexes (82.5 y 82.2) and the average lost years of life per patient who died was smaller among men (-2.8 vs. -3.4).
Algunas consideraciones sobre la ética en el mercado
Díaz Méndez, Montserrat,Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Pablo,Vázquez Burguete, José Luis
Pecunia : Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales , 2007,
Abstract: La desconfianza generalizada hacia los dirigentes empresariales refuerza la importancia de la ética en la empresa, tanto en el ámbito meramente teórico-académico cuanto en la aplicación práctica de determinados principios morales a las actividades mercantiles. La responsabilidad social corporativa o empresarial es una concreción de la ética consistente en la asunción voluntaria por parte de las empresas de determinados comportamientos que implican una serie de obligaciones en su ámbito interno y externo. Se discute la necesidad o no de establecer por ley el contenido de la responsabilidad social corporativa y, por tanto, exigir su cumplimiento.Mantener su carácter voluntario no significa que el Estado no pueda establecer unas directrices claras sobre la dimensión social de las empresas, así como su implicación en la sociedad en la que viven y las ventajas para aquellas empresas que lo respeten. Los códigos éticos son un intento normativizador de la ética, que suponen un beneficio para el estado, ya que no se ve obligado a tener que producir normas de derecho positivo y crear sus correspondientes mecanismos de control de conflictos. Por su importancia económica, una especial atención ha merecido la regulación ética de las sociedades cotizadas. En cualquier caso, hay que concienciar de la necesidad de un comportamiento ético basado en la bondad y la justicia, partiendo de que quien actúa éticamente lo hace por convencimiento.The general distrust towards top management decisions has reinforced/ stressed the importance of business ethics. Social Corporate Responsibility (SCR) is an specific aspect of ethics. It implies the voluntary assumption of certain behaviours and values which may involve several obligations for the company that will affect it as a whole. Nowadays, there exists a discussion about the need of whether establishing or not a law on the content of fulfillment. In this sense, it is important to consider that keeping its voluntary character does not mean that government cannot establish some directives on social commitment.Ethical codes are an attempt to rule business ethics and imply a direct benefit for government since it avoids the obligation of producing laws and developing control mechanisms. Also, due to the economic importance of stock-listed companies, this paper pays an special attention to their ethical behaviour. As a general conclusion, we remark the idea of concerning society about the need of an ethical business behaviour based on goodness and justice values.
Fallecidos por fractura de cadera: Provincia de Matanzas
Rodríguez Jiménez,Pablo; Fernández Alfonso,Jana; Díaz Hernández,Odalys; Garrote Rodríguez,Ismary; Morales Rigau,José Manuel; Achiong Estupi?án,Fernando Jesús;
Revista M??dica Electr?3nica , 2009,
Abstract: we carried out a descriptive study of 609 deceases for hip fracture at matanzas province from 2001 to 2007. there was evidence of a slight increase in the average lived years per patient (aly/p), as well as a reduction in the average lost years of life per patient who died (alyl/p). the proportional mortality increased toward the end of the period (1.6% vs. 2.0%). the ratio hip fracture/deceases for accident (hf/dec acc) also experienced an increase (32.2 vs. 46.1). it was observed a proportionally direct-to-age increase in the total mortality rate and in both sexes, but women had the highest rate. the average lived years per death patient was similar between sexes (82.5 y 82.2) and the average lost years of life per patient who died was smaller among men (-2.8 vs. -3.4).
Promedio de a?os de vida vividos y perdidos por fallecido de cáncer
Rodríguez Jiménez,Pablo; Fernández Alfonso,Jana; Díaz Hernández,Odalys; Garrote Rodríguez,Ismary; Morales Rigau,José Manuel; Achiong Estupi?án,Fernando Jesús;
Revista M??dica Electr?3nica , 2009,
Abstract: we carried out a retrospective, descriptive study on the average of gained and lost life years of the 14 075 deceased by cancer in the province of matanzas from 1990 to 2007. we found that the difference in the average of gained life years between cancer and other causes decreased, while the average of lost life years increased during the same period. in the municipalities, the average of gained life years ranged between 65.3 and 69.9 years, and the average of lost life years between 15.2 and 18.5. the deceased by prostate cancer showed the highest average of gained life years, and the the deceased by uterine neck cancer showed the lowest. the deceased by prostate cancer showed the lowest average of lost life years and the deceased by uterine neck cancer showed the highest.
Near- and Far-Field Optical Response of Eccentric Nanoshells
Antonio Rivera,Luis Monta?o-Priede,Ovidio Pe?a-Rodríguez,Pablo Díaz-Nú?ez,Umapada Pal,Vladimir Rodríguez-Iglesias
- , 2017, DOI: 10.1186/s11671-016-1796-8
Abstract: We study the optical response of eccentric nanoshells (i.e., spherical nanoparticles with an eccentric spherical inclusion) in the near and the far field through finite-difference time-domain simulations. Plasmon hybridization theory is used to explain the obtained results. The eccentricity generates a far-field optical spectrum with various plasmon peaks. The number, position, and width of the peaks depend on the core offset. Near-field enhancements in the surroundings of these structures are significantly larger than those obtained for equivalent concentric nanoshells and, more importantly, they are almost independent of the illumination conditions. This opens up the door for using eccentric nanoshells in applications requiring intense near-field enhancements

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